The ancient Chadwick surname originated in Scandinavia. From there, it re-emerges in France and later flourished in England and Scotland before crossing the Atlantic to North and South America.
The Domesday Book, compiled in 1086 under the orders of King William ‘The Conqueror’ shows the first official mention of the name in Staffordshire, where the Chadwick family had been granted lands by William as a reward for its distinguished service at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. An earlier generation of the family had been the Archbishop of Reims, a highly significant religious and political position. The family then features in the ancient English Chronicles, published in the late sixteenth century.This shows how early scions of the Chadwick family contributed much to local politics, first in England and then in Scotland.

In the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, both England and Scotland were troubled by religious and political conflict. The unrest caused many powerful and influential families to think of emigrating to distant lands to create a new life. Branches of the Chadwick families headed for North America, while Thomas Chadwick, grandson of Sir John Chadwick from Oxford (who died there in 1756) chose South America.
In 1820, he settled in Chile’s La Serena, encouraged by the opportunities opening up in the local mining industry. It was Thomas who laid the foundation for the Chadwick family branch in Chile.
Once established in South America, the Chadwick family quickly became active, influential and highly respected members of Chilean society. In 1909 Alejandro Chadwick, grandson of Thomas, married Leonor Errázuriz and the couple gave birth to the Chadwick–Errázuriz line, which would go on to play such a prominent role in the modern era of the Chilean wine industry.

Making a name
For decades, members of the extended Chadwick family have been society leaders in Britain as well as North and South America. Famous descendants include The Very Reverend Henry Chadwick KBE, FBA, who was Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. Another was the distinguished British Diplomat, Sir John Edward Chadwick. Lynn Chadwick was a highly acclaimed sculptor. Sir James Chadwick, Fellow of the Royal Society, was a great physicist and collaborator in atomic research. In particular, he discovered the neutron in 1932 and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1935. And let us not forget the American composer George Whitefield Chadwick, who wrote the Rip Van Winkle Overture.

Alfonso Chadwick
Born in 1914 to Alejandro Chadwick and Leonor Errázuriz, Don Alfonso Chadwick is the man most responsible for the family’s proud commitment to forward-thinking winemaking.
Born in 1914 to Alejandro Chadwick and Leonor Errázuriz, Don Alfonso Chadwick is the man most responsible for the family’s proud commitment to forward-thinking winemaking. Passionate about wine from an early age, Alfonso began his career by setting up Chile’s first wine brokerage in the early 1930s. From then on, he was always in close contact with vineyard owners and wineries. In 1942, long before he became responsible for Viña Errázuriz, Don Alfonso Chadwick had bought the Viña San José de Tocornal estate situated in Puente Alto on the rural outskirts of Santiago. It was here that Don Alfonso built his home and polo field.
Passionate about wine from an early age, Alfonso began his career by setting up Chile’s first wine brokerage in the early 1930s. From then on, he was always in close contact with vineyard owners and wineries. In 1942, long before he became responsible for Viña Errázuriz, Don Alfonso Chadwick had bought the Viña San José de Tocornal estate situated in Puente Alto on the rural outskirts of Santiago. It was here that Don Alfonso built his home and polo field.

Eduardo, the youngest of the children continued with the family's legacy, working tirelessly to raise the quality standards within the Chilean wine industry. Aware of the great potential of the area's terroir, he asked his father to convert his beloved polo field into a vineyard. Thus, Viñedo Chadwick was born as a tribute to Don Alfonso.

Eduardo Chadwick
The vision of Eduardo Chadwick was always to create a truly great wine from this special vineyard. And there is no question that considerable progress has been made as the vines have matured and the knowledge and understanding have increased. Today, this unrelenting quest for continual improvement in quality has prompted some to suggest that Viñedo Chadwick has taken on the mantle of Chile’s greatest Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Eduardo’s personal and professional devotion to the service of fine wine and his pursuit of excellence for Viñedo Chadwick have not gone unnoticed. Over the course of his forty year career, he has received many awards and accolades from Chile and around the world. However, the one that he is most proud of is the prestigious title of Decanter Man of the Year, awarded to him in 2018.

Looking to the future, Viñedo Chadwick will continue to thrive and prosper because of the love, belief and support of the Chadwicks. The family will always place its profound faith in this Andean vineyard. Firstly, to showcase its quality. And secondly, to honour the memory and achievements of Don Alfonso. Thirty years after the planting of Viñedo Chadwick, the baton of responsibility has now been passed on to Eduardo’s four daughters – Magui, Mane, Pepa and Ale. They are intensely proud to carry on the important work for this label which bears their surname. Therefore, there will be no let-up in their efforts to produce a world-class wine that reflects the finest expression of this unique place. Just like their father, they are all deeply committed to respecting and enhancing the vineyard and to building a timeless legacy for future generations.
“Viñedo Chadwick represents my long-cherished desire to honour the memory of my father, the late Don Alfonso Chadwick. This unique wine reflects our family’s heritage and tradition of excellence.”
Eduardo Chadwick